We Embrace Real Estate Careers
as an Art and a Lifestyle
From experienced realty specialists to dynamic professionals who simply want to explore the charm and challenge of luxury real estate on a global level, Giordano & Partners is always in search of talented individuals to join our team.
Our associates are a balanced yet compelling blend of diversified interests and signature experiences. Because of their unique characters and significant specific contributions to Giordano & Partners, we regard our primary asset as a firm as our ‘associates.’ They are our active partners in building the business. Perhaps, the common denominators of our associates are: they are dreamers yet they are driven. They know what they want and they find ways to achieve it. They love challenges and are risk-takers. At the same time, they have the willingness to learn more and be more. They aspire to represent only the best. Giordano & Partners serves as their playground in furthering either what they love to do, what they aspire to do, or both.
Being a part of the Giordano & Partners team will allow you to expand your career on a global scale through the established partnerships and the highly respected presence of our brand.